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Individual Drawings for Purchase

St. Florian's Church Tower for Bruckner Symphony 8, Mvt. 1 Theme 2

This drawing is 32" wide by 41" tall. It consists of two layers of paper with heavy paper behind and clouds in pastels. The translucent paper on top has the pencil rendering of St. Florian's Monastery Church. The drawing is in a museum frame. To see where this drawing fits into the Bruckner project, please go to Jack Ox©1984

Price available on request.
Phone: +505 217-2167

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Intermedia Projects
2710 Hyder Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM
87106 +505-217-2167

Intermedia Projects Inc. is a non-profit corporation, and is exempt from taxation under Section 501(C)3 of the U.S. tax code. Intermedia Projects's Tax ID is 47-3905628.